Main Space News Visual



10 March – 25 April 2021

Georgia Tooke
Rudra Manani
Luna Rose
Jamie Oosterhuis
Leon Jung

Co-curators: Monica Liu + Luna Rose

Recent events have painted a stark image of a divided and hateful world where the worst of humanity seems to have come out of nowhere. But 2020 is no more than a dot in a long stream of numbers that in no way dictates our lives. None of the issues and struggles manifested this past year was anything we have never seen before. The only difference is that in the face of a tremendous tragedy, unresolved and deeply-rooted systemic problems crashed into each other like a highway collision. Unfortunately, like a malfunctioning car, some gears in our political and social structures have been left to rust, but there is no time like now to run a diagnostic and reexamine those parts.

This show is created with the goal to hold space for those who are often ignored because of their ethnic, gender, or artistic identities. It is as much about representation as expansion and introspection. We invite people to enter those seemingly uncomfortable Borderlands and stay for a while longer, savour the uncertainty, and find peace in contradictions. — Monica Liu, Co-Curator

Location: Main Gallery (1800 Store St)
Gallery Hours: Wednesday-Sunday | 12-5pm

Artist Talks from BorderLands

Georgia Tooke artist talk
Rudra Manani artist talk
jamie oosterhuis art talk
luna rose poetry reading 1
luna rose poetry reading 2
Leon Jung artist talk
jamie and luna talk